Production Process
We offer customized and innovative quality solutions according to the needs of each client.
Our production processes are integrated and carried out with all the quality and dedication, which allows us to have the ability to overcome any challenge.
Engineering and Development
Equipped with modern 2D/3D software, the Engineering and Development Department is one of the pillars for internal R&D.
The department realize analyses of projects and needs of industrial customers are carried out and, together, technical solutions are developed for their satisfaction.
The department also develops, with the Product Marketing Department and the
Prototyping Center (dedicated to developing and testing architectural systems), solutions for the Construction sector.
Fortexal has an annual extrusion capacity of approximately 7.500 tons (depending on product and performance type).
The profiles are extruded from the 6xxx series alloys: 6060, 6061, 6063 and 6082, according to EN 573-3 standards, being supplied to customers in the Metallurgical States requested in accordance with the EN 12020-2 standard.
Extrusion laboratory
The laboratory is an integral part of the extrusion process that guarantees the quality of the extruded profiles.
The laboratory is supported by multiple technologically advanced equipment that allows for the realization of various tests.
Peso máximo aconselhável do perfil
(consultar-nos para pesos superiores)
Dimensões máximas do perfil
(Diâmetro circunscrito)
Dimensões máximas do perfil
Dimensões máximas do perfil
(para corte em pista)
Comprimento mínimo de corte em pista
(Sem paragem de produção)
Comprimento máximo de corte em pista
Maximum length of track cutting
+/- mm
Ligas disponíveis
6060 6063 6061 6082
Tratamentos de superficie
Anodised is an electrolytic process that forms a determined oxide thickness on the aluminium alloy. Concern surface decoration of aluminium profiles there are two sub-treatments are commonly used:
- Polished (resulting from a mechanical treatment);
- Brushed (resulting from a chemical treatment).
The anodizing is certified by Qualanod (nº 1405), which ensures compliance with Qualanod directives and observance with the standards: NP 1482, NP 1480, NP 2908 and NP 2907.
Powder Coating
Thermo-adherent painting process, carried out with polyester powder paints, through which the aluminium profiles can acquire different colors in function of the colour of the powder used.
Quality control laboratory: The quality of lacquering is ensured by a specialized laboratory that controls processes and products.
The powder coating has Qualicoat certification (nº 808), ensuring compliance with the guidelines of this entity and the standards ISO 2813, NP EN ISO 1520, NP EN ISO 2409, NP EN ISO 2815, NP EN ISO 1519 and NP 2360.
Fortexal has a machining section ready to meet various industrial challenges. In this way, it’s possible realise cutting operations (30 mm to 7000 mm), drilling, turning, milling, bending and tearing.
Quality control is done at the various stages of the process. The machining process complies with the NP EN ISO 9001 standard.
Thermal Break
Fortexal has a line dedicated to the production of solutions with thermal break for profiles dedicated to architecture sector.
Fortexal is able to supply all types of packaging according to the specificities of each client, whether national or international.
We supply the national and international market, whether by our own or subcontracted transport, with efficiency and speed.